Security Tips Every Repair Shop Should Follow

Owning an auto repair shop is an immense responsibility and a large investment. From tools and special equipment to computers and vehicles, you need to make sure that everything is secured and safe. Here are a few ways in which you can ensure just that.
1. Walk around the property:
There is a lot you can learn from simply taking a walk through and around the property:
- External lighting- a crucial layer of protection- might be out of order.
- Scrap metal areas may be unsecured.
- Doors and locks could be faulty.
As you take a stroll through the property make note of any problems that you see.
Attending to them within the appropriate time and in the appropriate order will help you avoid preventable losses.
2. Get to know your team:
Knowing your team is crucial to the safety of your shop. Knowing whether members of your team are happy or disgruntled will allow you to pick up on any red flags that may show themselves. Was a previous employee let go due to any harm they caused the business? Were they in possession of keys? Should the locks be changed? These are aspects that you should keep in mind.
3. Upgrade your security system:
Having an outdated security system is a serious security liability, as overcoming said system might have become child’s play. You need to implement up-to-date security technology in order to protect your shop. It is pertinent that you have a security expert devise a strategic plan.
4. Schedule security inspections:
Speaking of security experts, have them inspect the state of your shop’s security for anything that you might have missed. Something as small as having worn-out door hinges could compromise the security of your shop, as now the alarm contact sensor at the top of the door has connection issues.

The phrase “better safe than sorry” should always come to mind- remain vigilant in maintaining and updating your security system, as it secures against future loss.